What Teens are Saying

"Dan has truly been an inspiration in a time in my life when I needed it most. From the first few hours I spent with him I immediately felt like I could really talk to him about what was going on and that he could really listen in a way I had found with few of my peers and offer advice in a way that really worked for me, different from many of the authority figures in my life that I was pushing so hard against. He is a compassionate and well rounded guy who is hard not to get along with. Anyone who has Dan in their life is truly lucky."

~ Devin DeHoll – Age 18. Asheville, NC.

"Dan came into my life at a very difficult time, when I was really struggling with my parents divorce. He helped me to move through it, and kept me from going to places I didn't necessarily want to. Dan has been an important role model in my life and I feel like he has really helped me to shape who I am today. Thanks a lot Dan."

~ Coleman DeHoll – Student/Athlete, Age 16. Asheville, NC.